Moving Towards Wellness-Your Self Care in 2025
About the Session
The offices of Counseling for Faculty and Staff and Health Promotion for Faculty and Staff invite you to join us as we go through resources that are available to all Faculty, Staff, Retirees, and Spouses/Significant Others. Our goal is to meet people where they are and support them to create a culture of wellness while they serve the students to the fullest extent. We will discuss the importance of self-care and how the components of a person’s whole health and well-being interconnect and interrelate. There will be applicable activities and tips on how to manage stress and anxiety, as well as how to fit movement into an office setting.
Session I, Anne Belk Hall, Room 118
Learning Outcomes
As a result from this lecture:
- Participants will have a better understanding of resources available to them and the importance of a healthy lifestyle following the 8 domains of overall wellness.