Spring Alternative Service Experience (ASE) Learning Partners Needed

The office of Community-Engaged Leadership is looking for learning partners for spring break. Learning partners need to be faculty, staff, or graduate assistants. Ideally the learning partner would help as an alternate van driver, handle the program's budget, and provide general support to the students. Let Elayna Coleman know if you're interested and want to discuss further! They are hoping to fill all open learning partner positions by January 13.
The Role of a Learning Partner
Learning Partners primarily assist with responding to issues, supporting the student leaders, and logistics such as budgeting and transportation. Student "peer leaders" have been working to plan spring break programs since September. Now, they are looking for professional staff members to support them in their leadership development, provide valuable perspective to the group, and assist where needed. See the information below for a detailed overview of the role.
2025 Programs
Programs and locations are detailed on the ASE website and listed in brief below. If you are interested in serving, please reach out and let Elayna know which program(s) you would be interested in assisting with:
- The Elephant Sanctuary (Hohenwald, TN), led by Katie Kyer and Dana Lheureux
- Restoration & Exploration at the Coast (Bulls Head Island, SC), led by Devin Axtell and Krista Martinez
- Youth Outreach (Cedartown, GA), led by Malli Mason
- Affordable Housing in Appalachia (Moreshead, KY), led by Fox Neumann and Campbell Butner - this is a first-time ASE program we are excited to offer this year!
If you have any questions or need to set up a call to discuss the role further, please contact Elayna Coleman at [email protected]. Thanks for considering!