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Man, that Student Needs a Job!

About the Session

This session will help all individuals no matter the area which they may work to have a better understanding of the student employment process being able to provide the necessary resources to our students. Often times we have heard from others that they don't know how to refer students to Student Employment. There are some that think Student Employment is a job placement service for the institution.

Session I, Roan Mountain, Room 122

Learning Outcomes

As a result of this round table discussion participants will be able to identity the following in
regards to Student Employment (SE):

  • Student employment is not a job placement service
  • Student Employment is a part of the Career Development Center and is here to ensure that students are exercising the same job search model which they will need upon graduation.

There are multiple areas which the CDC can assist in.

  • SE Works with all areas on campus to help set up employment opportunities campus wide and are the place where students need to be referred to if there are any HR related needs or questions.
  • Acknowledge the research that indicates the benefits of student employment for retention and marketability for the future.


Presenters: Career Development Center

Ms. Sharon

Ms. Amanda "Kato"

Mr. Les